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The Spirit in Ephesians

A central theme in Ephesians is the work of the Holy Spirit.  If this is a letter about God’s purpose for his church, about how to be united in love as his alternative society and about standing firm in spiritual warfare, then the Holy Spirit is crucial to all of that. But before Ephesians is…

Before you cite Philippians 1:18 it might be a good idea to read it!

From time to time you see it or hear it.  Someone makes a proposal and others come back with questions and challenges.  Some disagree and think that the idea shouldn’t go ahead.  Then the response comes “Even if this is not for you, perhaps you could take a Philippians 1:18 approach.” What does that mean. …

Telling the story of Jesus -part 1: How it begins

As mentioned in recent articles and on the Faithroots Podcast, one of the things I’m trying to do is to encourage us to think about how we share the good news about Jesus with those who have no or very limited foundational knowledge about him. So, the focus of our podcasts over the next few…

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