Jesus through the son lens

Photo by Nitin Dhumal on

The other day, I wrote about how a Muslim asked me to read the Gospels through what he called “the prophet lens”. He thought this would make better sense than a Christian hermeneutic. I was happy to do this because the Bible points to Jesus as Prophet, Priest and King. So the  prophet lens will… Continue reading Jesus through the son lens

Looking at Jesus through “the prophet lens”

Photo by Nitin Dhumal on

The other day I got stopped by a Muslim evangelist in town offering me a copy of the Quran.  I politely said no thanks and explained that I had a copy but also that I knew Jesus as Lord and Saviour.  He then sought to engage me in conversation.   There were some fascinating observations I… Continue reading Looking at Jesus through “the prophet lens”

How can we keep hope in God’s mercy?

It’s not just us Christians that are out and about around the Commonwealth Games stadiums.  There’s a whole range of religions and other campaigns seeking to promote their message – understandably giving the large crowds attending. Today as I headed down towards Perry Barr Stadium to welcome visitors to the Games I saw a large… Continue reading How can we keep hope in God’s mercy?

Christmas, hospitality and Muslims

A few years ago, a friend of ours invited us for an evening meal with their family. It was no ordinary dinner party, the clue was that we were going to be eating far later in the evening than I would normally. We were being invited to an Ifkar which is the meal Muslims eat… Continue reading Christmas, hospitality and Muslims

The Truth about Hamas

In the last few days I’ve written about the need to respond to events in the Middle East in an informed manner. To speak on Middle East issues must include the responsibility to challenge Israel for unjust, oppressive and illegal behaviour including ongoing occupation of territory, failure to care properly for the human rights of… Continue reading The Truth about Hamas

Do evangelical and liberal Christians believe in the same God?

Photo by Georgia Maciel on

This may be an even more provocative question than yesterday’s question about whether or not Christians and Muslims worship the same God.  However, I hope it will help us to develop our thinking a but further.    It comes in the context of some of the responses to the first question, where the follow on is… Continue reading Do evangelical and liberal Christians believe in the same God?

Do Christians and Muslims believe in the same God?

Photo by Gabby K on

This is one of those questions that comes up from time to time.  Don’t we actually worship the same God?  Isn’t it just that Christians have some funny views about Jesus being God’s Son (from a Muslim perspective).  The question goes a bit further than the usual “all religions are the same” line and is… Continue reading Do Christians and Muslims believe in the same God?