Who is in charge?

In response to my recent article on the different types of complementarianism, one stand out comment came back.  A reader suggested that both complementarians and egalitarians alike have the same problem, they are essentially arguing about “who is in charge?”  The result is that essentially the debate is about status, hierarchy and power.  This goes… Continue reading Who is in charge?

Race, class and geography (more thoughts on that report)

Just before Easter, the Commission on Race, equality and disparity reported.  The report has proved controversial with people focusing particularly on associated headlines questioning the existence of institutional racism and suggesting that the UK was in fact a positive example of improvements in race relations.  I chose to hold off from making an immediate response… Continue reading Race, class and geography (more thoughts on that report)

Cancelling exams will not level up

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

One of my big questions about the new lockdown concerned the thinking of the Government in cancelling exams this summer. Last May/June, it was obvious why exams were cancelled, we were in the middle of lockdown and so it was theoretically unsafe to run the exams. I say “theoretically” because there were people who argued… Continue reading Cancelling exams will not level up