Should we have locked down? And should the church have co-operated?

One of the big questions throughout COVID and since is whether or not lockdowns were the right response to the pandemic.  It is important to distinguish lockdown scepticism from COVID-scepticism.  Although many who were against lockdown were also sceptical about the threat from the virus, it was possible to be wary of the Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions… Continue reading Should we have locked down? And should the church have co-operated?

Questioning authority

One of the questions that came up during the COVID-19 pandemic and has continued to be debated since has been over the extent to which the church should have complied with Government guidance and regulations. To some extent, the debate was about the extent to which Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 applied in terms… Continue reading Questioning authority

What do we do with our fear?

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One of the criticisms made of the Church by some is that we allowed fear of the virus and dying from it to overwhelm us and so, we lost sight of the hope we have in Christ.  The implications of such critiques is threefold.  First, it suggests that the primary problem was fear of the… Continue reading What do we do with our fear?

A COVID inquiry for the church?

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The UK government has set up an inquiry to learn lessons from the COVID pandemic. Much of the focus in the media seems to be on whether or not we’ll get to read Boris Johnson’s WhatsApp messages but the true purpose of such an inquiry is not to focus on people and personalities, not to… Continue reading A COVID inquiry for the church?

How’s the post COVID replanting going?

For many years, my wife had an orchid plant I had bought her. Neither of us are particularly green fingered but out of all the plants we ever tried to grow, this one seemed to survive and thrive. Each year we would have to repot it to allow for new growth.   Having spent some time… Continue reading How’s the post COVID replanting going?

Resignation offers, integrity and grace

#Partygate and #Beergate continue to rumble on.  In latest developments, Labour leader Keir Starmer has said that he will resign if he is issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice fine for breeching covid regulations.  His supporters have suggested that this shows integrity and compares unfavourably with the way that the Prime Minister has refused to… Continue reading Resignation offers, integrity and grace

Pints, cake and retrospective justice

#Partygate is the scandal that keeps on giving.  In a bid to distract from their own troubles, the Tories have tried to put the focus on an incident during the local elections last year where Keir Starmer was videoed drinking beer in Durham.  Their claim is that the leader of the opposition was also in… Continue reading Pints, cake and retrospective justice

COVID-19: The next step to normality or a reckless risk

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Boris Johnson has indicated that plans to end all COVID-19 regulations will be brought forward from the end of March to early March with further announcements expected after the school half term holidays. In practice, for England (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will continue to have their own regulations and guidance) this means that there… Continue reading COVID-19: The next step to normality or a reckless risk

Does it add up?

The controversy around #PartyGate continues to rumble on.  The Metropolitan Police have begun their investigation. Last week, Boris Johnson was reportedly sent a questionnaire by the police. Well, I understand that he likes a quiz. Whilst we await the outcome, people continue to speculate about what the implications will be if the Prime Minister is… Continue reading Does it add up?

The pandemic elephant in the room. What happened to our reformed theology?

This is a little bit of a lament.  I come from the Reformed tradition theologically.  We pride ourselves in this tradition on deep theological reflection. This theological reflection is meant to be rooted in detailed exegesis of the text set within two important theological disciplines, Biblical Theology which enables us to see how God’s redemptive… Continue reading The pandemic elephant in the room. What happened to our reformed theology?