Spiritual Warfare in Ephesians

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What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “Spiritual Warfare”?  You perhaps think first of all about demon possession and exorcism, perhaps too about witchcraft and sorcery.  Perhaps you will have in mind some famous secular films like the Exorcist or popular level Christian literature. Well you would not be wrong to think about… Continue reading Spiritual Warfare in Ephesians

Strengthened in love (A sermon on Ephesians 3:14-21 for Pentecost)

What is love?  Famously, a set of cartoons back in the 1980s offered the answer “love is…” with lots of examples.  Perhaps, given he  was not too sure himself at the time and what was to follow, they were unwise in one suggestion “Love is Charlie and Di” We might suggest that love is our… Continue reading Strengthened in love (A sermon on Ephesians 3:14-21 for Pentecost)

The Spirit in Ephesians

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A central theme in Ephesians is the work of the Holy Spirit.  If this is a letter about God’s purpose for his church, about how to be united in love as his alternative society and about standing firm in spiritual warfare, then the Holy Spirit is crucial to all of that. But before Ephesians is… Continue reading The Spirit in Ephesians

On the frequency of dreams and visions in the early church

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I wanted to pick up on something I saw in a recent article looking at the question of dreams and visions.  I’m not going to unpack the whole question of dreams and visions here except to say that I believe that these are available for Christians today.  As I’ve mentioned previously, we talk about God… Continue reading On the frequency of dreams and visions in the early church

Another helper

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Whilst working through Mark’s Gospel in early 2015 at Bearwood Chapel, we kept coming  back to some questions that followed a theme: “What stops me?” “What stops me from seeing God for who He is?”                                                                   “What stops me from worshipping?” “What stops me from truly knowing God?” “What stops me from trusting and taking God… Continue reading Another helper

A receiving church (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

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Having discerned that it is God’s Holy Spirit at work and not an evil Spirit, we can move to see what the Spirit is doing and saying.  One of the key things that the Holy Spirit does is to give gifts to the Church. Prioritise the giver (v4-6) We can become focused on the gifts… Continue reading A receiving church (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

Reaping what you sow

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This next section reinforces the point that we’ve seen developed through chapter 5-6, we cannot fix our lives and our relationship to God by making external adjustments to our behaviour through rule keeping and rituals.  Instead, our lives will bear fruit in accordance with the roots. A look at the text (Read Galatians 6:7-10) An… Continue reading Reaping what you sow

Filled with the Spirit

Photo by Francesco Paggiaro on Pexels.com

Paul’s solution to the question of Christian obedience and holiness is not to impose laws and rituals (legalism), nor to say that grace means we can do what we please. Instead, he sees our true hope being the Holy Spirit. In Galatians 5:2-23, he says that the result or fruit of receiving the Holy Spirit… Continue reading Filled with the Spirit


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So, if Christians are to be godly and to say no to sinful desires and temptation? How are we meant to go about that? Paul has been clear throughout that it isn’t by legalistic means or ritual that we pursue godliness.Is there a better way? A look at the text (Galatians 5:22-25) Paul contrasts “works… Continue reading Fruitful