The Complementarian compass

Photo by Bakr Magrabi on

When we think about questions relating to the relationship between husbands and wives in the home and the role of men and women in the church, we tend to think of the debate being primarily between complementarians and egalitarians with a binary choice.  I want to suggest that there are good reasons for not seeing… Continue reading The Complementarian compass

Silence will Fall: An orderly Church 1 Corinthians 14:26-40

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

We used to run an After School Club. -excitable kids want to play with the toys, run off steam, tell us all about their days and what was going on in their lives.  Sometimes this was very chaotic and we had to work hard to get some peace and quiet in which they could listen.… Continue reading Silence will Fall: An orderly Church 1 Corinthians 14:26-40

Brothers and sisters -changing the story

The other week, we had a discussion in our life group about how we relate together as brothers and sisters in the church. It was a practical application of some of the things we’ve been learning about from Galatians 3:28. In advance, I threw the question out to social media to see what kinds of… Continue reading Brothers and sisters -changing the story

Discussion -how should men and women treat each other in a church?

I mentioned last week, a planned life group discussion on this topic. I thought it might be helpful to share the discussion outline/questions here. Feel free to make use of it in your own context. I’ve got a couple of articles planned that dig further into the topic. Set up for the discussion A slightly… Continue reading Discussion -how should men and women treat each other in a church?

Asking the question “how should men and women relate to one another in church?”

We’re mulling over a life-group discussion/workshop type thing tackling the question about how men and women relate to each other in church, how should we think of one another, how should we speak to one another, how should we treat and interact with one another. I’m also planning some linked articles on the subject and… Continue reading Asking the question “how should men and women relate to one another in church?”

Why I’m still a complementarian

A little while back, Aimee Byrd wrote “Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.”  The book was significant because Aimee was writing from a conservative evangelical perspective, she would have at least up until that point been identified as complementarian but in the book she went head to head with the dominant complementarian voices in the… Continue reading Why I’m still a complementarian

Eve, deception and Doctrine

thought it might be helpful to dig a bit further into some of the things raised in my conversation with Elyse Fitzpatrick on last week’s podcast.  If you haven’t watched or listened in yet then I’d encourage you to do so via one of the links below. One thing that Elyse raised was the way… Continue reading Eve, deception and Doctrine


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

What does it mean to be a man in Christ, made and redeemed in God’s image? We hear a lot about Biblical manhood, about taking the lead, about not being weak, about being distinctive in terms of body build, clothes and length of hair. Recently some US pastors have felt it important to pronounce judgement… Continue reading Safe?

Men Women and Leadership … in practice

Photo by Emma Bauso on

I hope you’ve found the recent #FaithrootsLive series helpful. The aim has not been to court controversy but help us to think better about how to honour Christ and love his church. Here’s the last in the series where we Consider some of the potential objections and criticisms of complementarianism Begin to think about how… Continue reading Men Women and Leadership … in practice