Evangelical Unity

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Here are some further thoughts on how we encourage Evangelical Unity.  I remember a friend pointing out once that there will be different levels of fellowship and partnership and it is helpful not to have a one size fits all approach to relationships. His analogy was that there will be those you can embrace close,… Continue reading Evangelical Unity

Questioning curiosity

Here’s an interesting one.  Jemar Tisby wrote: Now, perhaps ironically, that in itself raises a whole load of questions that his approving audience don’t seem to be asking. The first one is this.”  How would people have reacted if we replaced the words ‘white’, ‘evangelical’ and questions’ in that sentence?” A second question would be,… Continue reading Questioning curiosity

There’s more to reformed evangelicalism than this

Yesterday I shared some reflections in response to an article in Evangelicals Now by Glen Scrivener. There’s much I agreed with in his article, much that resonated. However, one thing I’m not so comfortable with is that in many respects, his description was only of a small part of Evangelicalism.  Indeed, I think that the… Continue reading There’s more to reformed evangelicalism than this

We are talking but are we hearing each other?

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I’ve written recently about the discussion concerning “evangelical deconstruction.” I’ve also in the past picked up on aspects of the debate including reactions to articles from people like Kevin DeYoung and John Piper as well as books such as “The making of Biblical Womanhood.” Part of the problem I think is that we have the… Continue reading We are talking but are we hearing each other?

The hermeneutical spiral

Photo by Adrien Olichon on Pexels.com

One of the things we’ve been exploring is the challenge that comes when reading Scripture. The problem is that although God’s Word is objectively true, infallible, inerrant and clearly revealed, we are finite, affected by The Fall, conditioned by our own culture and experience. The result is that we bring all of those things into… Continue reading The hermeneutical spiral

Is the label “conservative-evangelical” a stumbling block?

Evangelical Times have published this article by Mike Judge explaining why he’s no longer using the term “conservative evangelical.” There were a couple of things that I found interesting in the article, not least that he is himself drawing the boundaries for who belongs to the tribe quite tightly. Mike identifies himself as Reformed in… Continue reading Is the label “conservative-evangelical” a stumbling block?

Do evangelical and liberal Christians believe in the same God?

Photo by Georgia Maciel on Pexels.com

This may be an even more provocative question than yesterday’s question about whether or not Christians and Muslims worship the same God.  However, I hope it will help us to develop our thinking a but further.    It comes in the context of some of the responses to the first question, where the follow on is… Continue reading Do evangelical and liberal Christians believe in the same God?

It’s time we got over our tribalism

Photo by Elisabeth Fossum on Pexels.com

I grew up with my family attending an independent Methodist mission hall, elsewhere my Grandma was a fully accredited Methodist preacher.  Her husband had grown up in the Brethren movement in Belfast. Apparently Great Grandma had herself been a Methodist but had joined the Gospel Hall her husband belonged to when they got married.  Dad… Continue reading It’s time we got over our tribalism

The Scandal of the Evangelical Heart

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In 1994, Mark Knoll wrote “The scandal of the Evangelical  Mind” in which he protested at what he perceived as a lack of willingness to think deeply and carefully among evangelicals. He identified an anti-intellectualism within our movement. Rachel Held Evans became a notable doubter/sceptic of evangelical faith and in 2013, she wrote: The questions… Continue reading The Scandal of the Evangelical Heart