On the frequency of dreams and visions in the early church

Photo by Karyme Franu00e7a on Pexels.com

I wanted to pick up on something I saw in a recent article looking at the question of dreams and visions.  I’m not going to unpack the whole question of dreams and visions here except to say that I believe that these are available for Christians today.  As I’ve mentioned previously, we talk about God… Continue reading On the frequency of dreams and visions in the early church

Who is in charge?

In response to my recent article on the different types of complementarianism, one stand out comment came back.  A reader suggested that both complementarians and egalitarians alike have the same problem, they are essentially arguing about “who is in charge?”  The result is that essentially the debate is about status, hierarchy and power.  This goes… Continue reading Who is in charge?

Silence will Fall: An orderly Church 1 Corinthians 14:26-40

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

We used to run an After School Club. -excitable kids want to play with the toys, run off steam, tell us all about their days and what was going on in their lives.  Sometimes this was very chaotic and we had to work hard to get some peace and quiet in which they could listen.… Continue reading Silence will Fall: An orderly Church 1 Corinthians 14:26-40

A Diverse Church (1 Corinthians 12:12-30)

Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

Remember that one of the big problems in Corinth was the rivalry and tribalism among believers.  They were in the habit of identifying themselves with particular leaders and seeing their tribe as better than everyone else. The same habit was at risk of infecting their attitude to gifts so that people would see their particular… Continue reading A Diverse Church (1 Corinthians 12:12-30)

A receiving church (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

Photo by Gabby K on Pexels.com

Having discerned that it is God’s Holy Spirit at work and not an evil Spirit, we can move to see what the Spirit is doing and saying.  One of the key things that the Holy Spirit does is to give gifts to the Church. Prioritise the giver (v4-6) We can become focused on the gifts… Continue reading A receiving church (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

Learning from the Brethren

Bradford, Bankfoot Gospel Hall

I read this article with interest and some sadness the other day.  I’ve a personal connection to the Brethren Assemblies as, whilst I was at University, I started attending a fairly traditional Gospel Hall when back home in Bradford. It was there that I really began to cut my teeth, preaching and teaching.   Later, when… Continue reading Learning from the Brethren

What kind of Church? A gifted Church (1 Corinthians 1:1-9)

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

Introduction Packing for a journey – Who packs early? Who throws everything in the car at the last minute? Who just sets off thinking “it’ll all work out somehow?” Who is planning and checking to the last minute -double check the suitcase, making sure doors and windows are locked? Who is asking. “Will I have… Continue reading What kind of Church? A gifted Church (1 Corinthians 1:1-9)

The key difference between the volunteer and the staff worker

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

I saw this helpful thread from Tim Wilson, the other day about how to volunteer in church life without burning out.  One useful observation he made was that church members shouldn’t compare what they are able to commit to with what a paid member of staff such as the pastor or youth worker can do. … Continue reading The key difference between the volunteer and the staff worker