Ephesians and the prosperity Gospel

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There’s been a lie going around for so many years, often referred to as “The Prosperity Gospel.”  This is the belief that if we have enough faith and use the right words, then we can claim whatever we like from God and he will give it to us.  This is sometimes known as “Health, wealth… Continue reading Ephesians and the prosperity Gospel

Ephesians and Church leadership

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com

We want our church leadership to be Biblical. Usually by this, we mean that we want to appoint people to the offices we find in Scripture and mirror the structures we find there. The problem is that there is often a lot of disagreement here because in fact the New Testament doesn’t really have that… Continue reading Ephesians and Church leadership

Ephesians and the family

The closing passages of Ephesians offer instructions on how families, or households should function.  These seem to be follow in structure the household codes of the day, although with differences and as much rooted in Judaism/The Old Testament Scriptures as in Greek culture. They are sandwiched between the command to “be filled with the Spirit”… Continue reading Ephesians and the family

Strengthened in love (A sermon on Ephesians 3:14-21 for Pentecost)

What is love?  Famously, a set of cartoons back in the 1980s offered the answer “love is…” with lots of examples.  Perhaps, given he  was not too sure himself at the time and what was to follow, they were unwise in one suggestion “Love is Charlie and Di” We might suggest that love is our… Continue reading Strengthened in love (A sermon on Ephesians 3:14-21 for Pentecost)

The Church United

If Ephesians is about God’s purpose for his people, then this means that a central focus is on the church. In fact one of the ways that we might express Paul’s overall theme is that God’s people should be united together in love to Christ first and then to one another as his beautiful body.… Continue reading The Church United

The Gospel in Ephesians

At the heart of all of Paul’s letters is the Gospel. It was clearly his belief that a restating of how and why we are saved is what we need if we are to live godly lives.  This is true in Ephesians as well.  Whilst some of his themes, most notably justification are not mentioned… Continue reading The Gospel in Ephesians

The Spirit in Ephesians

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

A central theme in Ephesians is the work of the Holy Spirit.  If this is a letter about God’s purpose for his church, about how to be united in love as his alternative society and about standing firm in spiritual warfare, then the Holy Spirit is crucial to all of that. But before Ephesians is… Continue reading The Spirit in Ephesians

The Gospel does not depend on our ropey apologetics

I was reading this article the other day which touches on how Paul appears to use a creedal form in 1 Corinthians 15:3-7 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and… Continue reading The Gospel does not depend on our ropey apologetics

Ephesians in 5 short statements

Whenever I’m involved in a teaching series, I find it helpful to get a sense of the whole shape of the book so I can be clear about its purpose, message to the church and where the bits I will preach fit in.  Our church are just starting a preaching series on Ephesians.  So, I… Continue reading Ephesians in 5 short statements